artCrush No 11 – Inspiration by Cindy
Hi! Cindy here. It’s time for another Build Your Own Collection at The Lilypad!
Every month the designers create their magic BYOC packs based on a shared palette. I absolutely love January’s colors: so bright, optimistic and full of hope for the new year.
Nicole’s contribution is fantastic; four packs with everything I love about NBK: the artsy feel and the attention to the detail.
For my page I used a photo from Pixabay and played with the layers and the blending.
You can find artCrush No 11 by NBK-Design at The Lilypad. Be sure to check out the new option to buy individual packs or money saving bundles via a drop down menu.
artCrush no11 by NBK-Design
TLP Shop https://rebrand.ly/nbk-artCrush11
YOUTUBE https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLX6vyfKQ2WLVnedubDpSxa4S5tY9USQtK
NBK-DESIGN https://nbk-design.com/nbk-links/