artCrush No9 Collection – Inspiration by Flor (aka twinsmomflor)
artCrush No9 Collection – Inspiration by Flor (aka twinsmomflor) Hi there Flor here, I am using with Nicole’s gorgeous artCrush No9. It is part of the November Guild your Own Collection.
I used ArtCrush No9 Artsy Bits and Pieces, Paint Tool BrushMix, Wordart, Gesso Pieces, Magic Lights, Papers and Artsy Loops all by NBK-Design
artCrush No9 Collection by NBK-Design
TLP Shop https://rebrand.ly/artCrushNo9
YOUTUBE https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLX6vyfKQ2WLWwsufV_T2VIw1f9cgxokj7
NBK-DESIGN https://nbk-design.com/nbk-links/