BlogHop DSD Freebie
Hi there Welcome!I hope this post finds you and your family safe and well!
Thanks for visiting my blog during
TLP’s Freebie Hop!
I am sure you found your way here via the creative Little Butterfly Wings Blog
I hope you are enjoying what we have for you so far!
I am so happy to have you here! With DSD right around the corner,
all the designers at The Lilypad are busy creating goodies
and getting the DSD party started early
with this blog hop just for you!
Ready to hop?
To grab it, simply click on the image below, and it will start to download!
Remember, the freebies for Part 1 are only available
from 9/23 through 9/30 @ 11:59 pm Eastern.
Look for Part 2 and Part 3 in the shop
as Free with Purchase kits
during our Digital Scrapbooking Day celebrations,
from 10/1 through Monday 10/4.
You can download my part of the Work Rest Play Collaboration by clicking the preview image. NOTE: If you are using the Google Chrome browser, right click on the image and then choose OPEN LINK IN INCOGNITO WINDOW. The download will start automatically when the incognito window is open.
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