Eat Laugh and Pray Collection – Inspiration by Flor (aka twinsmomflor)
Eat Laugh and Pray Collection – Inspiration by Flor (aka twinsmomflor) Hello ladies, Flor here having a blast playing with Nicole’s new collection. One of my favorite color palettes avocado and plum. Love the Out of bound frames and the gorgeous layered art graphics. You can mix it, takes part of the psd files etc. I know I will keep using them over and over.
I used Eat Love Pray Collection BrushMix, Artsy Bits and Pieces, Out of Bounds, WordArt, Max from template 4, solids, magic lights Fusion papers
Eat Pray Love by NBK-Design
TLP Shop https://the-lilypad.com/store/Eat-Pray-Love-choose-from-different-Options.html
YOUTUBE https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLX6vyfKQ2WLVq_EPVtbQX4N_x9fVC1Cf2
NBK-DESIGN https://nbk-design.com/nbk-links/