Eclectic Collection – Inspiration by Flor (aka twinsmomflor)
Eclectic Collection – Inspiration by Flor (aka twinsmomflor) Hi Ladies, Flor here again playing with the Eclectic collection. I love every single element and the templates are amazing. You may use the layers as they are or play with them using your imagination.
I used Ecletic Collection Artsty Bits and pieces No1, Artsty Bits and pieces No2, Extra Template No2, Magic lights, Paper paints, PT Styles metal all by NBK Design
Eclectic Collection by NBK-Design
TLP Shop http://rebrand.ly/nbk-eclectic
YOUTUBE https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLX6vyfKQ2WLUPhBW2flqMXl1PFheeszQw
NBK-DESIGN https://nbk-design.com/nbk-links/
Be sure to check out the NBK Design Galleryat The Lilypad for more inspiration!
Check out the NBK-Design Youtube Channel. You can find Tips, Tricks, Webinars and all the Collections Unpacking Videos.