Inspiration using artCrush8
Hello everyone…this is Sharon sharing a layout from NBK Design latest collection at The Lily Pad. This collection is awesome with bright fall colors that are so versatile in any layout! I used the WA, Artsy Bits and Pieces, Papers (Exposure, Lights, Flourish and a Blending Mask.
Here is the link to the collection: https://rebrand.ly/nbk-artCrushNo8
Also check out the You tube videos using the collection: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLX6vyfKQ2WLUIoVPoq9TKgMyA7yuKjuqy
Be sure to check out the NBK Design Galleryat The Lilypad for more inspiration!
Check out the NBK-Design Youtube Channel. You can find Tips, Tricks, Webinars and all the Collections Unpacking Videos.