Layout inspiration for artCrush No 17 by Marianne

Blog, Inspiration

Layout inspiration for artCrush No 17 by Marianne

Layout inspiration for artCrush No 17 by Marianne

Marianne here to show you my layouts using artCrush No 17.

Summer is here! What do I say, the tropics are here!!! The new artCrush Collection is full of all the happy things you can enjoy on your (va or stay)cation! You just got to love the colors and the awesome summerdrinks and cocktails! It screams holiday and summer fun to me! Here are my 2 pages I already made with this fantastic Collection.

For more inspirations look here:

artCrush No 17 by NBK-Design

TLP Shop



The photo’s are from Pixabay (altered in Photoshop)
