Layout inspiration for the NBK Designer (White Space) Challenge and the GeoArt Bundle by Marianne
Layout inspiration for the NBK Designer (White Space) Challenge by Marianne
Marianne here to show you my layout using NBK Design’s GeoArt Bundle!
For the White Space NBK Designer Challenge:
As you know I am used to use a lot of products on most of my pages, so this was a real Challenge! I really love the brushes and the styles from this Collection!
You can find some more inspiration in the NBK Gallery at the Lilypad!
GeoArt Collection by NBK-Design ::
TLP Shop https://rebrand.ly/nbk-geoart
YOUTUBE https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLX6vyfKQ2WLXu3bGKsh9iD6-lws9mSCNR
NBK-DESIGN https://nbk-design.com/nbk-links/
Photo Pixabay
Be sure to check out the NBK Design Galleryat The Lilypad for more inspiration!
Check out the NBK-Design Youtube Channel. You can find Tips, Tricks, Webinars and all the Collections Unpacking Videos.