Magic Lights – Inspiration by Cindy
Hello, Cindy here with a page I made for the new NBK-Design Technique Challenge Nov 25 – Dec 08 2019: using Magic Lights as clipping masks
It’s always fun to learn new techniques and ideas, and achieve effects I’ve never imagined I could.
For my page, I started with a solid white paper and clipped my photo on a group of Magic Lights; I changed the photo’s Blending Mode to Linear Light.
I added various Artsy Bits and styles from the Opposites Attract collection, which has been released earlier this year and is still one of my favorite NBK Collections.
You can find Opposites Attract by NBK-Design at The Lilypad. Be sure to check out the new option to buy individual packs or money saving bundles via a drop down menu.
For more inspiration, check out the NBK-Design gallery at the Lilypad
Opposites Attract by NBK-Design
TLP Shop https://the-lilypad.com/store/Opposites-Attract-choose-from-different-Options.html
YOUTUBE http://rebrand.ly/nbk-YT-OA
NBK-DESIGN https://nbk-design.com/nbk-links/
Be sure to check out the NBK Design Galleryat The Lilypad for more inspiration!
Check out the NBK-Design Youtube Channel. You can find Tips, Tricks, Webinars and all the Collections Unpacking Videos.