Some CT Layouts with artCrush 8

Blog, Inspiration

Some CT Layouts with artCrush 8

Hi there! CTM Anne/aka Oldenmeade here, showcasing some of the layouts the CT have made with artCrush 8, NBK Design’s first BYOC collection at The Lilypad. It’s a vibrant collection, full of wonderful autumn colours, brushes, styles, and lots of artsy bits and pieces.

You can see this page and other pages made with this Collection in the NBK Design gallery at The Lilypad. Be sure to check out Nicole’s gallery for more inspiration with other collections as well. And for exclusive benefits, tips and tutorials, come and join us at the Artology Studio.

To view the collection in more detail, you can watch the Unpacking Video at the NBK Design Youtube channel.

art Crush8 Collection by NBK-Design

TLP Shop



That’s all for now,

Anne 🙂

Be sure to check out the NBK Design Galleryat The Lilypad for more inspiration!

Check out the NBK-Design Youtube Channel. You can find Tips, Tricks, Webinars and all the Collections Unpacking Videos.