artCrush No.19 Inspiration with Anne/aka Oldenmeade
Hi everyone! It’s BYOC time at The Lilypad again and Nicole has some wonderful kits for you to play with. And as usual with BYOC, the more you spend, the more you save. So don’t hold back!
Here are 2 of the pages I’ve made with artCrush No19. The first one is about the Amazon Rainforest burning. I thought of flames as soon as I saw the reds in this collection. And then I found that some of the Styles in the collection could be used to represent fire.
The second layout expresses my concerns for what kind of world we’re leaving to our grandchildren. I really love being able to express emotions and thoughts through the Nicole’s beautiful art.
artCrush 19 by NBK-Design
TLP Shop https://rebrand.ly/nbk-AC19
YOUTUBE https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLX6vyfKQ2WLUZiIPYqLfMeSzuMuJBXSo8
NBK-DESIGN https://nbk-design.com/nbk-links/
Photos: Benjamin Wong & Nadine Burzler via Unsplash
Photo:matthew fassnacht via Unsplash
Happy Scrapping!