artCrush No22 Inspiration with Anne/aka Oldenmeade
Hi everyone! Anne here with a page I made using Nicole’s breath-taking artCrush No22 which has just been released at The Lilypad for the December BYOC. I love the mixture of art and whimsy in this collection – the felt pieces are an absolute delight!
In the page below, I duplicated the artsy sketched frame twice and used it as a sort of background. I also liked the blue rectangle at the top of the frame and decided to echo that by having an unframed photo, to which I added a posterize filter. The photo already had a nice pinkish gold look, but I wanted to bring in a touch of the icy blue, so I placed a Magic Light over part of the woman’s face. I then made a composite of all the layers (Ctrl + Alt + Shift + E) and appliied a Pin Light blend mode @ 100%. The last 2 steps involved adding a blue/pink gradient (soft light 30%) and a sepia photo filter @ 25%. Blend modes, filters and adjustment layers are so much fun to play with, and we’re very lucky that Nicole gives us the freedom to do this with her art. And now it’s your turn 🙂
ArtCRUSH 22 – NBK Design
NBK-DESIGN https://nbk-design.com/nbk-links/
NBK-Design Catalogue https://www.pinterest.de/nbkdesign/nbk-design-collection-catalogue/
Happy Scrapping!